Mother’s Day 2024

Jun 16, 2024

Praise God for Mother’s Day. It’s time for us to celebrate and express our love to our beloved mothers.

Many brothers and sisters came early with their mothers to take wonderful photos in front of the well-decorated backdrop with the theme “holding family hands with Jesus Christ” before the service started.

Sister Elaine started with a morning prayer during Refreshing Moment, by sharing that there is a kind of love called “Mother’s Love”. She highlighted that “children are a heritage and gift from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward” (Psalm 127:3). She reminded all the mothers that children are the gifts from God, being a mother is also a blessing from God. As taking care of children is challenging, we shall rely on God, who promises us to take the responsibility of caring and loving the children, and giving them the best.

Then brother Philip led a wonderful praise and worship to glorify God and welcomed all the mothers to join the Sunday Service. After taking communion, sister Ally testified how God comforted her and took care of her elder daughter during her pregnancy. She was comfortable during the first pregnancy but felt sick during the second one. She needed a long period of time to rest in bed and could not teach her 3-years-old daughter except through prayer. God answered and let her daughter grow more mature and have a caring heart for others, especially for her. She also thanked God for looking after her and her son during pregnancy, and let her give birth successfully and recover soon. She thought being a mother of children was a blessing and a joy from God. She finally shared Psalm 8:4 to remind us that God really loves us.

A skit about a tired mother who got power from Jesus Christ was presented on the stage. The skit reminded us that a mother taking care of the whole family was not easy. Only Jesus Christ can give us rest and His grace is sufficient for everyone. Let’s introduce Jesus Christ to our beloved mothers and follow Jesus Christ with the whole family together.

After that, all mothers were invited to the stage for photo taking and prayers. They received a bag of skin lotion as a gift. Pastor Arlene then prayed for them to have good health, a joyful heart and a peaceful spirit every day. Also we prayed for God’s grace and protection to be upon the mothers and their families.

Pastor Arlene preached on the topic “Mother, you have the Lord watch over you” to encourage the mothers and all of us to believe that no matter what difficulties we face in life, God will care for us with His love and grace. God revealed this through His Word, as mentioned in Psalm 139:16 “Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” As God knows us even in the womb and our whole lives are part of His plan, we just need to fix our eyes on Him! He will care for us in all circumstances and provide guidance for our lives.

Then 3 mothers, sisters Loretta, Carrie and Lolita were invited to come on stage one by one, sharing their favourite Bible verses that can give them strength, peace, and direction from God. These verses included Colossians 3:20-21, Psalm 46:10 and Joshua 24:15.

Finally, Pastor Arlene encouraged the congregation that Jesus Christ already paid the price of His life for us on the cross, we can come to God again and be restored and renewed in Him !

Thank God for the day ! Happy Mother’s Day !

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