G2 & G3 Christmas Party 2015

Dec 25, 2015

Praise the Lord it comes with the Christmas party for SD2 & SD3 !

A total of 98, including children and adults, brothers and sisters, family members and friends joined together and celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ.

The party started with a short video opening and followed by a caroling song presented by the caroling team to bring out the message of the Christmas, love and give.  Then an ice-breaking game that engaged all table members to exchange pieces of puzzle with others in order to make a full scene of the night of Jesus’ birth.

Pastor blessed the food and the dinner started at around 7pm.

Following was a recap of the G2 & G3 of 2015, counting and reflecting every blessings throughout the year.  After that, Sister Mia testified God’s grace and blessings brought by Jesus in all areas in life. Then Pastor Gavin was invited to share a few words. The sharing carried the complete peace and joy from the Lord, and reminding us to seek the giver, Jesus Christ. When Pastor invited the congregation to pray, quite a number of visitors prayed along. And thank God that,sister Monica’s  niece was touched by the holy spirit and she was willing to accept Christ as her savior. Glory to the Lord !

It was clear that the seed was planted, and we believe that more salvation would come very soon.

Blessings continued through games and lottery.  The games were competitive and enjoyable. The blessed ones from the lottery enjoyed a gift, and also a special food coupon to bless one of their friends and family members at the dinner. It’s such a good spirit of giving and sharing.

As the joy flowed, the caroling team presented more Christmas carols and brought up the joy of atmosphere to a higher level, then Santa Claus appeared and distributed the gifts.  The party ended with great joy and we captured the moments with group photos.

It is a joyful night.

May true love, peace and joy be with everyone.

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

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