Year-End Prayer Meeting and Countdown

December 31, 2010

Praise the Load for more than 150 brothers and sisters gathered together at Hope Center for year end count down prayer meeting on New Year’s Eve. A powerful praise and worship, led by brother Allen, brought forth an exciting atmosphere of the night and the congregation was preparing to enter into 2011.

Brothers and sisters continued to pray for healing after praise and worship, and after that a recap video was shown on the night on major events in 2010 Youth Crusade, Hope Elite, Hope Couples, Hope Camp, Bible Conference, Philippine Mission Trip2010 was a fruitful year for Hope of God Hong Kong with total over 2800 people accepted Christ. Solely in mission trip held in Philippine in early Dec, more than 2400 people had accepted Jesus Christ as their personal savior. Praise to the God almighty!
Testimony sharing came right after video viewing. Sister Lolita (Sub-district 2) and sister Gloria (Sub-district 5) had shared their journey of experiencing God’s blessings and love through mission trip in Philippine.

Pastor Gavin also shared 4 key values for coming year:

  1. Sensitive to Holy Spirit
  2. Transformation of our mind
  3. Be ready to take up the challenge
  4. Mission heart

Pastor encouraged all brothers and sisters that 2011 would be a challenging year, and we all had to have an ambitious heart for God’s work and allow Him to guide our steps. God is looking for simple faith in our hearts and He can do mighty things through our lives. It is time to step out of our comfort zone now and make full use of God’s blessings to do God’s work. Let’s keep following Jesus and work together for the best for His kingdom !

May all the glory and honors be to our mighty God on the throne!

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