Hope Elite

April 27, 2014

God had blessed this wonderful day with a fantastic weather, neither hot nor cold, sunny nor rainy, it was just right. Approximately 100 of us, brothers, sisters, visitors and helpers, set out for our annual Hope Elite 2014 , themed ‘Hope  Infinity’ this year.

Immediately after the Sunday Service, we gathered for a briefing of the day’s rundown.  We gathered into our groups and set out for our first encounter – lunch with our team mates and most important, getting to know each other as we all come from different sub-districts and we have visitors. The whole program is separated into outdoor and indoor activities. All in all we had to complete 8 tasks.

Although we might not know each other well before this day, God’s love united us and every team worked in harmony and there was full of joy as we shared.  Every experience was precious, everyone put in their full support and best efforts.  It was not for the prize but most groups claimed that by that unity itself, all were number one – Everybody won.

For the indoor session, the 10 groups were to team with another group, forming 5 teams, to create a dance to the given music.  Through there were lots of challenges such as difference in ages, very limited time, etc., nothing stopped us from giving our best.  All the performances were gorgeous.

Pastor Gavin gave us some words of encouragement.  Time management, and health management were the focus.

Then we had the award presentation.  After the award presentation, we proceeded for dinner fellowship where lots of sharing, encouragement and appreciation took place.

However fast happy time flies, we need to part for home. Goodbye for now and we all are looking forward to meeting again in the next Hope Elite 2015.

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