Hope Couple

September 20, 2015

Praise the Lord !

Twenty couples of Hope of God Church Hong Kong were invited to Noah’s Ark Hong Kong to receive God’s special blessing.

One non-believing husband accepted Christ on the same day at Sunday Service before he embarked on our trip to Noah’s Ark.

Hope Couple Event started with a simple but exciting warm-up game in which all were seated in a circle moving in the same direction but stopping the game-master from jamming into the circle by sitting next to any of us. Everyone was sticking together, naturally especially between the couples, along the game.

Each couple was then given a session to hold hands to “Share the happiest moment in the marriage “. Everyone enjoyed the sharing so much that some of them were seen sobbing with tears flooding in the eyes. It’s the tear of joy and gratitude,thank God for His grace.

Later the whole group was divided into 2 and carried on playing games. The first game was called “Way to Heavenly Kingdom天國之路” in which we were all asked to stand on the wooden planks as a group and finding a way to proceed to the destination, which was the heavenly kingdom, by moving only one plank each time. To our amazement, when all had finished the game, we realized that each time we placed the wooden plank over the other in a cross shape, we could cross over the gap. It’s indeed a strong spiritual reminder to all couples that in every single turn of difficulties or challenges we face in the marriage, we can cross over it by depending on the Lord Jesus Christ in unity.

Another game was called “Memory Maze記憶迷宮”. Each couple needed to find the way out of the maze by remembering each step they took. Once they took the wrong step, they needed to start it all over again. Walking with our spouse along the way in the marriage might encounter some hiccups and setback. Yet when we still choose to stick to our spouse to walk this marriage life without complaint but with cooperation, there must be the way out and we must reach the destination.

Another touching moment came when each individual couple was given some private time and space to share the most heart-felt issue with each other. What a wonderful time to “release” our concern to each other in an intimate and positive environment! Marriage is about frank but calm communication between the husband and wife! A simple but genuine “apology” and “appreciation” to each other can suffice in the marriage !

The finale of the event was to construct a “Square of Love 愛的廣場” by connecting hundreds of balloons with a pink heart shape in the middle, displaying the importance of Love in the marriage which was built together with Love.

Last but not least, Pastor Gavin reminded us that the more we dwelt in the love of Christ, the more we would know how to show love to our spouse. Marriage is about love, that is the Love of Christ !

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