Caring the Community, Sharing God’s Love #5

Jun 27, 2024

Praise the Lord for making a way ! We brought God’s joy and love to the elders by organizing a birthday party at a local elderly care center.

At 9:30am, 6 dedicated sisters gathered at the Y Care center of the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association to prepare for the party. We invited a total of 9 elders to join, and celebrating the birthday of the three of them.

To begin, sisters Pik Sai and Penny led a prayer to start the event. We then delivered warm greetings and introduced ourselves, connecting cheerfully with all the participating elders.

During the birthday celebration, we took group photos, presented birthday gifts, and enjoyed a cake with joyous and smiling faces. We also distributed pre-prepared blessing bags containing daily necessities to meet their needs.

Sisters Sammie and Success then led a singing session, engaging with the elders and creating a joyful atmosphere. They also guided the elders in gentle exercises through instructional videos to help strengthen their physical bodies.

After the warm-up, sisters Elaine and Connie led a game session. The escalated joyful atmosphere encouraged the elders to actively participate and enjoy the excitement of passing balloons in the air. It was encouraging that the venue was filled with cheers and laughers.

Later, we had individual sharing and prayers with the elders to share the Gospel and express our sincere care for their needs. The event ended at 11:10am.

Thank you Jesus ! Let us continue to be the light-bearers, and keep sharing God’s love and care with the community !

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