Membership Accreditation

Jul 21, 2024

Praise the Lord that we had our first membership accreditation in the year of 2024. It was a tremendous joy to see 2 brothers and 1 sister becoming the new members of Hope of God Church Hong Kong. We gave thanks to the Lord for their lives.

Each brother and sister was welcomed to be a part of our church and got membership cards from Pastor Gavin at the stage. Pastor Gavin reminded us of 3 things we can see being a member of our church. Firstly, it is joyful to have an identity of membership in the Hope of God Church Hong Kong. It is God’s idea to belong and be committed to the family of God. Secondly, as a family, we will grow maturity in the Lord together by encouraging one another to know God more in the church. Thirdly, through serving one another, we will understand more about the love and grace of God. This is our God continuously building us and nourishing us to be a mature people of God !

After the sharing, Pastor Gavin led the whole church to pray and support the new members together. We gave thanks to our God for having 3 wonderful brothers and sisters being the members of this family. Thank you Lord for continuously leading and guiding them. We prayed for them to know more about God and be more mature in the Lord. As a church together, we supported and helped each other, and served one another.

May God continue to bless them, cover them and protect them !

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