Water Baptism

Jun 23, 2024

Thank God for the good weather ! What a wonderful day it was when 19 brothers and sisters, including 3 Hope Kidz children, were baptized at Lido Beach.

Today there was a special sprinkle baptism immediately after the Sunday Service for 2 sisters, who were not mobile enough to go to the beach. The whole church witnessed their faithfulness. At 2.30pm, the majority of brothers and sisters gathered at Edge and went to the beach by rented buses. At 3.15pm, over 100 brothers and sisters went to support and be a part of commemorating this moment. Brother Jack welcomed all participants and opened with a prayer. Love Group sisters then led us in praising and worshiping God.

Pastor Gavin acknowledged the faithfulness of the brothers and sisters who chose to be baptized. The first analogy used was the crossing of the Red Sea, which God miraculously opened. This crossing served as a representation of water baptism, where the Israelites walked into the water and emerged on the other side. Once they crossed the river, there was no turning back. God had prepared everything to deliver them from fear and pain in Egypt and propel them forward.

In the New Testament, Jesus received water baptism and was empowered. He then overcame temptation by standing strong for 40 days, manifesting His victory. Similarly, when we receive water baptism, going down into the water symbolizes our union with Jesus Christ, and coming out of the water signifies being resurrected with Him in a new beginning. It serves as a reminder that God is with us in every aspect of our lives.

When the baptism began, Pastor Gavin asked two questions: 1. Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? 2. From now on, no matter what you face, will you trust Jesus? After receiving positive answer, Pastor Gavin prayed for each individual and then presented the certificates. Before approaching the shore, we took group photos. During the Water Baptism,and along with praising and worship,we also took individual and group photos for and with those being baptized.

Thank God for such a powerful testimony ! Praise be to God for more than 100 brothers and sisters witnessing such a wonderful moment !

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