Christmas Party

December 11, 2005

On 11 December 2005 from 5:30pm to 8:30pm, there was a lot of fun and laughter at our Hope Center on 8/F. 30 children & teenagers started flooding in with their parents, guardians as well as the volunteer workers of the Mother’s Choice, Small Group Home at 5:30pm. Nearly 60 of them came and joined the Christmas party, which was co-organized by Mother’s Choice and our church. 20 brothers and sisters had got all the things ready by 5pm, waiting with eagerness and expectation to welcome this group of children and teenagers.

The party started by 2 MCs – Kin and Elaine. Both of them deliberately dressed the same to welcome all the guests. Then Philips ( Ah Fei ) and Tony came out to lead the game session with all of us. Though there is at least ten plus age gap between Philips and Tony, they were really good partners with a lot of humor and fun. The energy and vitality of Philips and the humor and fun of Tony boosted up the whole atmosphere. Followed by the song leading of Rachel with the Praise & Worship Team, all the children and guests were so immersed into the songs.

After the food, we watched a cartoon video called “The Red Boots”, which is about God’s gift to people during Christmas time. Elaine and Kin came out to ask the children questions on the video, and they were so quick to answer all the questions right.

Christmas caroling is an important element of all Christmas parties, so there was no exception in this party. While singing the caroling, the Santa Claus, who was pretended by Tony, came out with 30 gifts to all the children. They were so happy to see Santa Claus with all those big-sized presents.

It was then followed by the presentation of appreciation certificate to Mother’s Choice by Purple on behalf of our church while Michelle, the social worker in charge of Mother’s Choice, Small Group Home also presented Purple a Christmas card and appreciation gifts for our church. We had also prepared 2 boxes of Christmas decorations as the gift to Mother’s Choice as well.

The children and guests were so happy and impressed with the Christmas Party, and some of them said that they would like to come to our Sunday Service on 18th December and join the Christmas Sunday as well.

Praise God for the unity and hard work of all the brothers and sisters. We hope that we can have more gatherings with the children and parents of the Mother’s Choice in 2006.

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