01 Do You Believe ? 你相信嗎?
Do you believe in Him? When you trust your life in Him, He will give you strength to let go of your past hurts and start anew.
你相信祂嗎? 當你願意相信,並把生命交托,祂就能給你力量,把過去的傷痛放下,重新起步。
02 It is You 祢
What do I believe? I believe the blood of Jesus has washed away my sins. I believe He is with me and He never forsakes me.
今天我相信的是甚麼呢? 我相信耶穌的寶血已潔淨我。我相信祂與我同席,永不分離。
03 He is My Reason to Live 活出精彩
What else will happen when He is with me? I am changed by the love of God and He gives me life to the full.
04 The Cross 十架
What do I need to do then? My life has been changed. I am now different from the world. From now on, I will pick up my cross and follow Jesus.
05 In Reverence Fear 敬畏祢
Why am I willing to do that? As I receive the amazing love and grace of Jesus, I simply want to lay down myself and draw close to Him.
06 Lift Him up New 高舉祢
How do I do that? By the power of the Holy Spirit. The life giving Spirit cleanses me and helps me to become a living testimony for Him.
07 Only You 唯獨祢
Are you sure about it? Yes! And I declare my commitment to Him!
08 Promise of Victory 得勝的應許
Hallelujah! There is no more doubt! You and I can have victory in Him and the enemy has no foothold on us!
09 We Believe the Vision 那榮美的景象
Let us move forward as a church towards the divine vision – God’s will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven!
10 We Will Cry and We Will Smile 同哭同笑
As we move towards the vision, we cherish each other as a family. We stand by each other in all circumstances.
11 Hope Sweet Home 希望、甜蜜、家
As a family of God, together we celebrate and give all praises and honor to Jesus!