Year-end Thanksgiving Celebration
Dec 31, 2024
Year-end is a time to come together to thank God for all He has done for us, a time for reflection and thanksgiving.
Brothers and sisters came together enthusiastically to praise God by 9:00pm, ending the year in Christ and starting the year in Him. Brother Wai Hong led an opening prayer and Thanksgiving sharing, then sister Nicole led us in heartfelt worship, with even our little children dancing and praising God.
We partook our last communion of the year and presented our grateful offerings before Pastor Gavin recapitulated our journey with God and the teachings in 2024: breaking down before breaking through, and building faith in Jesus. All of us quieted down to focus on our personal journey with God, and how God has been with us through all the ups and downs. Pastor prayed over us.
For 2025, the emphasis will be on breaking through to break free, being alert to the priorities in our life. Each of the participants wrote down 3 specific areas from which we targeted to break free through God for 2025, and placed them in the box in front of the props of the Ark of the Covenant, where Pastor prayed over them.
Afterward, brother Philip guided us through the themes for Easter:
2024: Mourning into dancing;
2025: Rejected to respected;
2026: Unbelief to relief,
and for Christmas:
2024: Faith;
2025: Hope;
2026: Love.
Sister Penny excitedly announced the location of our annual camp campsite, and sister Janelle extended the excitement by providing the information about our 2 mission trips for 2025 – to the Philippines in July and to Thailand in November. Slips were distributed for us to indicate our commitment to these missions, covering them in prayer, and asking God to make a way for those who need to take leave and for finance provision.
While the year 2025 was approaching, brother Philip led us in preparing for the countdown with great worship. We welcomed 2025 with handshakes, hugs, and blessings, continuing the joyous praise. And we captured the moments in photos until 12:30am.
Glory to Jesus for 2024 and a greater year of abundance for 2025 !