Medical Relief II
November 28 – December 3, 2017
Thank God for the 15th time of the Medical Relief !
The passions and the faith of our brothers and sisters have grown stronger in bringing Hope to the people in Philippines.
With God as our commander in Chief, one quarter of our church was mobilized to go for Him. Pastor Gavin took the lead of this army of God to claim victory wherever we step foot on.
Apart from our brothers and sisters and their families, we had doctors, trainee nurses, teachers and not to forget our local team. Isaiah 55:12 describes exactly what we witness each day “For you shall go out with joy, And be led out with peace; The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing before you, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. “
Every morning we had to wake up in the dark morning and enjoyed sunrise after sunrise, which are all different, but beautiful, that was something that we never get to do in Hong Kong. We spend the whole day talking about Jesus, His Grace and praying for blessings to people we know or people that we just met, pointing them towards what He has done for us. Miracles and miracles happened, an old man gained so much faith after listening to God that he started to believe God’s healing and started walking again. People poured out their hearts sharing their deepest worries and fear knowing that Jesus can help them. Tears of joy rolled down, not only that their lives had changed; even our brothers and sisters had experienced the closeness of their relationship with Jesus Christ.
Apart from usual medical and eye check up, we had a hairdressing corner. It was joyful to see brothers and sisters picking up the skill and serving the people there. Our health talk was also a channel for us to serve the students, bringing hope into their lives through sharing Jesus.
The whole Medical Relief is like a body of Christ working together and to serve each other and others with God’s love. Though the weather and the environment was not the most pleasant, deep in their heart they had already been deeply touched by what they saw and experienced.
The doctors being on the midst of our Medical Relief had desired to see this and had decided to join us for our next mission. As for the SWOT team protecting us throughout the trip invited our church to go to their city and share with their families.
Our Medical Relief came to a pause with Sunday Service held in the place we started, Arkong Batu. The congregation, which comprises of our local team and our brothers and sisters overseas, also brought down the roof during our Praise and Worship. We celebrate His love that bring us together. We celebrate His Grace that Gives us a New Life. We celebrate His Words that gives us Hope. Hope that will bring us to more harvest !
We See ! We Believe and We Receive !
Join us for the next upcoming Medical Relief !