Medical Relief II
November 21-25, 2018
Here we went again for our Medical Relief, this time we were going to Roxas City. It is in the province of Capiz, West Visayas, Philippines. In fact in this city, we already have regular student and family care groups gathering going on. It is great to have them in the team.
This is our 17thMedical Relief. Ourbrothers and sisters arrived only to be welcomed by Tropical Depression 33W (Samuel) and we had to cancel our health talk due to school closure. Even so, our spirit was not dampened or moved by the change. The rain did not stop people from coming to seek the medical service. Everyone, including the doctors, volunteer student nurses, hairstylists, ministers of eye check corner, counselling, pharmacy, local team etc. All took up their positions and started to serve the people there. Praise God for the opportunity to bring His Light into the lives of people. In fact on the 1st day with only 52 of us we had received over 2000 patients and witnessed over 1100 salvations.
For the second, third and fourth day, we went to the different venues planned and carried out the health talk as school had resumed. God blessed us with the SWAT team who escorted us; kept us safe wherever we went. It enabled us to focus on what we were doing. In order to build relationship with the children, we brought crafts and balloons. Some had brought ribbons and hairclips to help the girls to tie their hair. All these thoughts reflected God’s love. Brothers and sisters were not just following, they had also taken their own initiatives to bless the people there in their own personal way. The health talks had became so interactive and bros and sis had so much fun in sharing the health care and the gospel to the students of different levels. This would not have been possible without the grace of God. We had also more student nurses joining us. And even one of our new doctors is a child of the doctor who had been supporting us in this movement. It is wonderful to see the second generation of the team sprouting.
Everyday everyone left the hotel about 630am, and we started with a Jericho Prayer Walk. By following Jesus, we had seen the beautiful daybreak and sunset everyday, which reminded us of his unfailing love. The fellowship had brought each of us closer to one another.
At the end of the 4 days, we treated more than 6000 patients and witnessed more than 7000 salvations. Not only so, we had made strong friendship with the locals.
Our Medical Relief would not be complete without our Sunday Service. On that morning, adults, children kept streaming in from the entrance of the school. The Praise and Worship was so overwhelming and the crowd just kept pouring in from different directions. At the same time, the children church had their Nativity drama in one of the classrooms. They were all engaged in the story and language proved to be no barrier. The drama was interactive and the children loved it and responded well. The parents were able to focus on the preaching while their children were taken care of. Back to the main congregation, bro Joshua from Roxas shared of his walk with God. God had changed him and made him a more responsible person. He shared about how God had blessed him in different areas of his life and his desire to keep on walking with God. He is the seed that we had reaped in out MR here in Philippines. Praise God!
Following that Pastor Gavin preached the Word of God from John 15:15 , ”No Longer a servant but a friend”. He shared that God is our creator and he had made us in his image. It is through walk with God that we will know more about Him. He is a God of covenant and taking us as His beloved sons and daughters. Pastor Gavin encouraged all of us to see ourselves as His beloved child and friend. We should position ourselves in His love, in His Grace. With this many responded to the Word with joy and amazement. The Light of God came upon the congregation, just like the angels surrounding His beloved children. Today the people are set free by this Truth ! We pray that the people keep this message in their heart and walk on as a friend of God. Pastor Gavin then prayed for individuals for their relationships with God, with people to be restored in His Almighty name. Over 3000 worshipping the Lord together in one accord and many healings happened; for example, the deaf can hear the sound at her left ear and thus speak the first word in her life. Hallelujah Jesus ! It was amazing to see the overwhelming respond of the people to this revelation. Amen! God is with us!
The Sunday service ended with bros and sis giving out the gifts that were brought from Hong Kong, we had prepared bags of blessings from different CGs. In total we had 1700 gift and 3000 vitamins and they were all given out !
What a wonderful day !
What a blessed Medical Relief !
Praise God !
- S