Hope Elite

May 16, 2010

Hope Elite 2010 was held successfully on 16 May. Praise the Lord that nearly 100 brothers and sisters participated in this event. God also blessed the day with good weather, which was perfect for the games.

Right after Sunday service, brothers and sisters gathered for the rundown. After a short briefing and a sample video show, participants were divided into 10 teams. In order to fulfill the game requirement and to own the honor of championship, every team needed to complete 12 different tasks, include taking a video clip as one of the highlights. Tasks include taking photo at different venues, while various conditions apply. For example, at least 3 team members needed to be included in a photo shoot in appointed venue in order to complete a particular task.

Participants started to get exciting once task details were revealed. Every team started to plan their travel route with their very best plan. Some of the teams finished planning very quickly and departed right away while some teams preferred to spend more time on planning.

As a basic rule, all the participants had to return to church by 6pm. Many teams had done a good job and finished all the tasks before 5pm! Brothers and sisters had shown great passion in completing the games.

Prize giving ceremony was held right before dinner, and dinner time was a great time of fellowship while everyone was excited chatting and sharing about the journey they just had. Winning teams were invited to share their successful formula on how they could complete all the tasks in such a short period of time.

Then came the highlight of the night – video show taken by each team. Each team was requested to take a short video clip with team members acting as different characters in a movie, and audience would guess which movie they were acting. The demonstrations were so funny that made all brothers and sisters kept laughing! All participants were cheered up by the talents and sense of humor that our brothers and sisters had shown.

Thank God for the Care Department, the event was good in strengthening interaction between members, building all of us up to have team spirit and brought us a lot of laughter and joyful moments. Praise the Lord for the wonderful day!

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