Bible Conference

September 20, 2013


The theme of our 2013 Bible Conference.

Throughout the 3 days Pastor Gavin gave explicit explanation of how Jesus was revealed in the Bible since the time of Genesis.

The whole bible conference made reference to the scripture: Revelation 3:3 “Remember, therefore, what you have received and heard; hold it fast, and repent”. This message was given to Sardis church in the book of revelation. It also referred to churches nowadays. We had to be active and spiritually vigilant, and being clear of the motives of our action which was to glorify God. Whatever we have received and heard about Jesus we have to hold fast onto it.

Pastor Gavin also encouraged us to believe and receive, knowing that faith is a gift from God. Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith. Listening to the Word of God perfected faith. He further explained that Jesus is “All in One”. We were reminded that how much we see is equivalent to how much we would receive from Him. Jesus is the King that we can submit to, and as a human he understood how we feel, he came to redeem us, to serve us.

Apart from the principles, Pastor Gavin shared about the importance of hearing Jesus in the scriptures. In Genesis, Jesus was there when the world was made. He was the Light that drove away the darkness. In the chapter of Abraham and Isaac, God provided the sheep for sacrifice whom was His one and only son Jesus. God’s salvation plan was revealed in the book of Genesis already. We are now living in His love and under grace.

We have to hold fast to Jesus and to glorify God. Just as the lamp stand brings light to the tabernacle, we the ministers of God had the light of life in us. His righteousness had been given to us His beloved children. We have to practice walking by listening to more message of the Word of Christ and we would be able to see this victory.

Put the focus on Jesus! As Pastor Gavin led us in studying scripture about communion, tithing and speaking in tongues, we discovered that communion was a way of opening our eyes to see more of Jesus’s grace. Tithing which comes after communion was an expression of our respond to His grace. In fact, the first tithing started in Genesis by Abraham, before the law was established. It was the love of God that changes us. Speaking in tongue actually activates the covenant of Jesus in our lives.

On the last day, Pastor Gavin brought the focus back to the love of God. Making it clear that God hate sins but he love the sinners. It is important that as His people that we bring the love of God into the hearts of the people. The first step we have to take in doing this is to repent ourselves that is to let God transform our heart and mind. To be alive in Spirit, to be Christ conscious and to keep walking closely to God!

Pastor Gavin rounded up the conference by praying for all of us that we continue to let Jesus whom is the Word of God live in and through our life.

We believe that His Words have the power to transform us.

Let’s all be alive in Him!

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