Father’s Day  2022           

June 19, 2022 

Thank God for a wonderful Father’s Day. A well-designed ‘Hope Air’ photo corner was set up, with the props of air tickets, passport and luggage,  etc.

Despite the rainy weather,  brothers and sisters came in early with their fathers to take photos, some also took with their spiritual fathers.  It was joyful to see their smiles and laughter.  The corner closed at 10.45am to allow time for all to prepare for the service. 

Pastor Gavin started with ‘Refreshing moments’ on 2 Tim 3:1, continuing on ‘Constancy within changes’, entitled ‘In perilous time,  carefully follow Biblical teaching and life.’  He mentioned how we must hold on to God’s teachings in the changing time as this will help us to carry on to have peace and stand strong. Through the Holy Spirit’s leading, we will be transformed, knowing that even in perilous times, God is still in control and is always with us.  The church is where lives influence lives and where we learn from one another.  Paul mentioned in 1Corinthians 11:1,  ‘Imitate me,  just as I also imitate Christ’.  

The theme of the service was ‘Give me five, Papa’.  Brother Jack welcomed everyone with words of blessings. Everyone went around welcoming each other while maintaining distance.  Brother Jun encouraged all to say words of blessings to all fathers, including our Abba Father,  then led us into a joyful worship.  

Brother Jacky of S&C gave testimony of his journey from a father-to-be to a father of a two-week-old son on his first Father’s Day.  He thanked brothers and sisters for their encouragement and support along the way.  He recalled that he almost cried during the first ultrasound check, hearing his baby’s heartbeat. God’s creation is so amazing.  He also thanked God for his wife Penny,  who encouraged him that if God gave them a baby,  God would protect the baby.  They prayed in the Spirit all the time.   The baby came one week late, Penny was hospitalised for a week, therefore had to go through the second procedure of delivery but nothing happened. However, praise the Lord that both Penny and the baby were well finally.  The first two weeks of being new parents was not easy as they needed to wake up every 2-3 hours to take care of the baby, they could not sleep well but enjoyed seeing their baby’s healthy growth.  He also thanked sister Lydia, their confinement helper,  who helped them so much with lots of support and encouragement. Lastly, he sincerely thanked his spiritual dad, brother Alex, who patiently walked along with him. He ended the testimony with John 3:35.  

After that, sister Pik Lin and brother Lawrence came on the stage to report on the activity ‘Give me five’ in preparation for the Father’s Day. The number “five” means the grace that leads us through with our dads. They showed the photos of some brothers and sisters completing missions with their fathers in the past weeks. Then brothers Chi Ho and Sing told us some jokes, then Chi Ho and his spiritual son,  Andy did an arm-pull challenge and sang a song together.  Hope Kidz also recorded a song to dedicate to all fathers.  The fathers were then invited onto the stage to receive a prayer blessing by pastor Gavin and the gifts from Hope Kidz children. After that, they took a picture together.

Pastor Arlene preached on John 1:16-17, entitling the message ‘Give me Five Papa, Fullness of His grace’.  It does not matter whether we are new fathers or old fathers, most important is that we have our Heavenly Father.  She said she likes the ‘Give me five’ picture of a small hand in a big hand, signifying our Heavenly Father’s reaching His hands out to us that we can give Him five and receive His grace.  “Five” is a number of grace, and five plus five is ten,  a number of completeness; although it might remind us of the law as in the Ten Commandments, it actually helps us to see grace.   

We cannot depend on our good deeds.  God never needs us to be perfect.  He used His life to exchange for us to be righteous.  It is all about grace upon grace, and we need to actively receive it, then we can experience and enjoy God’s grace. We have been chosen and given this status of being God’s beloved children, walking in His righteousness and grace victoriously.  

Love one another with the love and grace of God. Thank God that two fathers and one sister accepted Christ at the altar call.  Pastor Arlene closed with a prayer of blessing.

Happy Father’s Day !  Enjoy His grace !


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