Caring the Community, Sharing God’s Love #6

Sep 20, 2024

Glory be to the Lord for opening the door ! During the Mid-Autumn festival, we shared God’s love with the elders by arranging a birthday celebration at a local elderly care center.

At 9:30am, 6 dedicated sisters gathered at the Y Care center of the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association to prepare for the party. Before the start, sister Pik Sai led the team in a prayer for Holy Spirit’s guidance.

The party started promptly at 10:00am. A total of 17 elders joined the party for celebrating the birthdays of 7 of them. We delivered warm greetings, introduced ourselves, and blessed the elders through a prayer.

Then the birthday celebration began. We took group photos, presented birthday cards and gifts, sang birthday songs, and enjoyed the cake. We also distributed pre-prepared blessing bags containing daily necessities, especially lanterns and crystal pears to celebrate the Mid-Autumn festival. The joyful atmosphere even encouraged an elder who seldom ate to enjoy some birthday cake.

After the celebration, sister Sammie led a singing session by showing a chair-based dance video “Sha La La”, encouraging elders to warm up their bodies through gentle exercises on chairs. All the elders willingly participated.

Sisters Ivy then led a game session, encouraging the elders to actively participate and enjoy the excitement of passing balloons. The venue was filled with joy and fun.

Then we engaged in one-on-one conversations and prayers with the elders to share the Gospel and our genuine concern for their well-being. The event ended at 11:10am.

Thank you Jesus ! May we keep on following Jesus and extending His love and care to the community !

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