Caring the Community, Sharing God’s Love #7
Dec 20, 2024
Thank God for guiding us to share His love and care with the community ! A special birthday party and Christmas celebration for the elderly was organized.
A dedicated team of 5 brothers and sisters gathered at the Y Care center of the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association in Yau Yat Chuen to get everything ready.
At around 10:00am, 19 elders joined us. We warmly greeted and introduced ourselves to all the participated elders, followed by a prayer led by brother Daley to begin the event. Sisters Pik Sai and Sammie then led the elders in the festivities. Special birthday gifts prepared by sister Ivy were presented to those celebrating birthdays in December, and a cake was shared among all the elders. Additionally, blessing bags filled with essential items were distributed to each of them.
As the cake was being enjoyed, sisters Pik Sai and Sammie engaged the elders in a fun game called “Do You Believe?” They asked about amazing world records, leading to a question about the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 regarding “a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son.” A video was shown to explain this miraculous grace and the meaning of Christmas. We praise the Lord as the majority of the elders expressed their belief in this grace !
Sister Elaine then guided the elders through gentle exercises to stay warm and promote physical health. With the aid of a video demonstration, the elders were encouraged to move and later invited to dance together, fostering a joyful atmosphere filled with laughter.
After the activities, we had individual conversations and prayers with the elders to express our sincere care for their needs. Praise God that one of the elders accepted Jesus Christ ! The celebration concluded at 11:10am.
Thank you Abba Father ! The salvation offered through Jesus Christ is a gift of grace for all. Let us keep sharing His love with the community !