The 1st Session of Alpha

Feb 8, 2025

Praise the Lord for His guidance ! We were excited to join the 1st session of Alpha at Hope Oasis !

Originating at Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB) in London in 1977, Alpha has developed into an effective tool for evangelism, reaching over 25 million people in 100+ languages through a series of interactive sessions to explore big questions of life and the Christian faith. Each session commences with an emphasis on connection and friendship-building, discovering a relationship with Jesus in an honest, friendly and open environment.

At 2:45pm, the brothers and sisters of the organizing team gathered at Hope Oasis, where sister Kat delivered a briefing and led a prayer. Then the preparation began. Refreshments such as steamed Dim Sum, sandwiches, cakes, snacks, and drinks were served in Hall 1. From 3:30pm onwards, registered guests, friends, and participating brothers and sisters enjoyed these treats while engaging in pleasant conversations within a relaxed and joyful atmosphere.

At 3:50pm, the interactive session with the theme “Life: Is this it?” started. Chairpersons sister Pik Sai and Susan warmly welcomed all participants. We were divided into 4 groups of 6 to 8 members each. An ice-breaking game involving descriptions of names facilitated better understanding amongst group members. Following this, a video was played, guiding and inspiring discussions on the following life question one by one:

  • If you had 24 hours to do anything you wanted, what would you do?
  • If it turned out there was a God after all, and you could ask one question, what would it be?
  • What is your dream?

The group leaders and assistants of each group ensured a smooth sharing environment, encouraging free expression of thoughts and opinions amongst group members.

At the end of the session, all group members were given a rope to tie as many knots as possible within a minute. The knots symbolized the challenges and unsolved problems in life. We then raced to untie the knots within another minute, symbolizing that when facing unsolved challenges in life, Jesus is the solution, aligning with what Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life.”

The event ended at 5:20pm, leaving all participants eager to join the forthcoming 6 sessions and explore other significant life topics and Gospel truths.

Thank you Jesus ! May the grace of Christ be with all participants !

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