Christmas Celebration

December 24, 2006

The Greatest Star

In order to save the world, three wise men from the future are traveling by a time machine to search for a star that can accomplish this mission. They came across a kung fu star and a very intelligent scientist.Yet both of them failed to meet their need. At last, the angels led them to see a baby who was born 2000 years ago. This baby is Jesus,the one who brings salvation to the world. Thanks for all the brothers and sisters who performed in this intriguing drama at the Christmas Service, in which over 410 brothers, sisters and friends joined.

Three brothers and sisters testified blessings brought by Jesus.Sister Daryhll used to indulge herself in cigarettes, alcohol and even drugs. But after a Christian friend brought her to Christ, her life has been changed. She no longer engaged in bad habits but is leading a meaningful life in Christ. Brother Jay was once a self-centred person and his relationships with others were superficial. In this year, he was admitted to hospital for a few weeks. It is during this period that he truly experienced God. Now he puts God as the centre of his life and enjoys deeper relationships with others. Sister Janice used to be a quiet and timid person. But after she accepted Jesus,it is out of her imagination that she is now taking care of two caregroups and serving in Sunday School and also involved in pioneering church. Praise God for the miracles in the lives of our brothers and sisters.

Do you ever feel that you are living with your heart dead? Do you think life is meaningless? Pastor Gavin preached and shared that Jesus is the greatest star. He can change our life and give us the true light.As in John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” The birth of Jesus is God’s plan to bring salvation to mankind.He is truly the greatest star.

The service ended with Christmas Caroling. The congregation was joyful to sing and dance to celebrate the birth of Jesus. It is a blessing that we are in the family of God and it is our priviledge to serve Him. Let’s all grow and be shinning stars of Jesus.

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