Blood Donation

April 27, 2012

“Give blood, Save life!”
Praise the Lord that on our church annual Blood Donation Day, 100 had shown up, and among them, 81 donated blood successfully.

On the day, the rainstorm was alerted to amber level and even so the blood donation started at 4pm. Though it might be raining heavily, it did not stop brothers and sisters from coming to church with their friends to donate blood.
A small number of people working in the same building also came and supported the event.

The atmosphere was a complete opposite in comparison to the weather outside. As people were lining up and waiting for check up, you could see smiles and hear laughter. Even the nurses from Red Cross were joyful. A warm and giving spirit filled the air. While waiting for their turn, some people were enjoying our recap video of church activities for the past year.

The day went on smoothly and the busiest period was after 7 pm where most of the people had knock off from work.

Let’s keep praying that these bloods will bless people in need.

Lets continue to stay healthy by keeping a healthy lifestyle and work together to serve the community more and more.

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