Water Baptism II

July 22, 2012

Praise the Lord for the wonderful weather. A total 22 brothers and sisters were water baptized, and near 100 brothers and sisters and friends joined the celebration.

After praise section, Pastor Gavin invited all brothers and sisters who were going to be water baptized to stand up and explained to them that the action of immersing into water and raised again represent dieing of old selves and gain new life in Christ. Pastor then led the whole congregation to pray for them and presented the baptism certificates.

All participants went down to the beach and they were baptised one by one by Pastor Gavin, while brother Allen, brother Tony and brother Jack provided assistance.

Ceremony continued with other brothers and sisters kept on singing praise songs as a support. Brothers and sisters who were water baptized were congratulated by other brothers and sisters and friends and the whole event finished smoothly under joyful atmosphere.

Praise God so many brothers and sisters accpeted Christ as their personal saviour and willing to follow Him and take action to declare their determination. May the act of faith continue to be testimony and blessings to our family and friends and people around us. Amen!

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