Christmas Celebration 2019

 December 22, 2019

Merry Christmas !

“He With Us” is the theme of this Christmas. The celebration started with a slide show about the work of Jesus, then sister Rosa and the Praise and Worship Team led the congregation to dwell in a powerful praise and worship.

After that, a video testimony was shown. First, sister Marie shared about God’s healing upon her and her mother. In 2015, because of poor blood circulation, her legs were swollen and painful. She worried that she had to stop tambourine dance. However, she insisted to serve God. God helped her focus on the dance rather than her sickness. Praise God that she was healed finally. Besides, God also reminded her to put her trust in Him and prayed for her mother who had a stroke and high blood pressure. Praise the Lord that her mother got better. Then sister Elaine thanked God for guiding and blessing her and her family. She shared that she has been serving in different ministries in church for 20 years. She thanked God for blessing her a healthy second daughter though her health condition was not that good for the pregnancy. Moreover, her first daughter got a primary school offer in the first round of applications and her husband got a pay rise and promotion. She is really thankful for God’s provision and will continue to serve God with her family. Praise God for His great work upon His people.

Another highlight of this celebration was a creative performance by a group of brothers and sisters. People’s sad faces lit up when they received the light that was passed to them, and they started making music joyfully. The message is that though there are lots of struggles and troubles in the world, the love of Jesus can give light and hope to people. With Christ in us, we all have hope and joy. Praise the Lord !

Then Pastor Gavin preached on the Scripture Matthew 1:22. The title of the sermon is “He With Us”. The Word is Christ and the Word became flesh. Jesus’ name is Immanuel, meaning “God with us”. God dwells among the people so that people can hear the good news and have hope. In the Bible, different from King Ahaz, Joseph chose to believe and follow Jesus and thus he experienced God’s promises.

Praise the Lord for His love and grace.

Let’s keep following Jesus and experience more and more of His promises !


Opening Christmas 2019

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