Christmas Celebration

December 26, 2010

It is Christmas! The time for us to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus! The theme is “Receive the Gift” and over 400 brothers, sisters and friends gathered at Hope Centre to share this precious Christmas gift.

The service opened with a video in which  our brothers and sisters from different sub-districts sang and danced a Koean popular song wityh it’s lyrics changed to a song of praise to our Lord! The congregation was filled with laughter.

After welcoming and greeting each other Merry Christmas, Sister Rosa led us into a joyful session of praise and worship, singing and dancing with our hearts to worship our Lord who came to this world 2010 years ago.

After partaking communion, brothers and sisters from Youth Group present a skit. It was a scene of a high school reunion, where the old classmates exchanged Christmas gifts, and discussed whose gift was the best. It brought forward the message that the best gift of Christmas is Jesus’ Salvation !

As the round of applause of the congregation died down, video testimonies of 3 faithful sisters were shown. First, Sister Nicole from SD3 shared how God changed her heart in shepherding her young sheep, gave her the burden for people’s lives, and brought a breakthrough in the care group she led.  Then, Sister Anna from SD1 shared how God had been blessing her life with peace and joy despite her broken marriage and her circumstances. She came to Christ and faithfully served Him. God had since mended the broken relationship, blessed her care group, and brought her daughter to Christ! Praise the Lord!  Finally, Sister Janice shared how God had blessed her ministry in Hearing God group. Although she initially only learnt sign language out of interest, God inspired her to use this skill to serve those who are not fortunate enough to be able to hear.  Since, God led her in sharing the Gospel with those weak in hearing, and also in communicating and building relationships with them. Praise God for His wonderful plan!

Pastor Gavin then gave his sermon from John 4:10, which told us about the wonderful gift of “”Living Water””. He explained how this living water had the power to cleanse us and also allow us to bear fruit. As we occupy our lives with many things in this world, we hold on to them more and more, causing us to struggle. No matter who we are, what we truely need is to live an abundant life, with flowing, living water to keep us hydrated. Pastor Gavin told us that :”Jesus is that spring and source of living water, and we need to invite Him into our lives to cleanse us of all the dissatisfaction, struggles and sins in our lives”.  The good news is that He is waiting for us.

Praise God that 15 new souls came to Christ and received the wonderful gift of living water !

The service came to an end in a joyous and festive atmosphere as we once again sang and danced to Christmas carols. Praise God again for the blessed service!

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