Bible Conference
September 30, 2012
“First Love” is the theme of the Bible Conference 2012. Over 400 brothers and sisters attended the 3-day event. Pastor Gavin shared five areas:
1. The city of Ephesus
2. God’s all time grace and love
3. Know who you are before Christ
4. Life with the New Identity
5. The burning bush of His Love
Pastor Gavin started with the focus on the city of Ephesus. The practices of the Nicolatians in Ephesus were commendable. But the problem was that they focused on the things that they could do and forgot the First Love that they had with Jesus. It reminds God’s people that our actions should be driven by the love of God and not by other reasons. Bringing all of us to have the right concept in serving the Lord.
Pastor Gavin continued to point out that we were not here by accident, but God chose us before the creation of the world. Through Adam, Sin came and through Jesus, Grace came. In fact, grace was here even before creation and was revealed in the old testaments as Pastor illustrated though examples of Abraham and Noah.
The church is the center of the universe, so is Jesus, and whatever we do church should be our center and it is the key to hope, peace and love. As we know who we are, we live to be the children of light, to light up the world and to bring people to know God. We believe that we are God’s sons and we are to be the light in the family and workplace. Trust in Jesus’ Salvation and that is the faith that we need. Pastor Gavin encouraged everyone to look into the mirror each morning and to declare that we are His beloved, we are holy and blameless. And to bring God wherever we go so as to practice walking with Jesus every day.
Through the 3-day Bible Conference, we got that we are the beloved sons and daughters of God. We need to learn to take root in His presence and start to walk in His presence everyday. Our focus should be on the Spiritual blessing, which can be revealed, though serving God in church, evangelizing and building up disciples.
Pastor ended the lesson with the emphasis on God’s love for us, the First Love. Our motivation would be strong when we knew what Jesus had done for us.
Lets keep declaring that this First Love will keep burning and have the Great Commission be done!