Father’s Day 2020

June 21, 2020

Thank God for this wonderful day where we celebrated Father’s Day in love.

Many brothers and sisters arrived early, and wished each other with blessings especially to fathers.  Many fathers entered the church with a big smile. They took the opportunity to take a beautiful photo with their children at the photo corner.

Pastor Gavin started the service with a prayer and words of wisdom to remind us of the importance of guarding our hearts. Brother Wai Hong led brothers and sisters to welcome and greet each other with gestures.

Brother Fei led us to praise and worship God with thanksgiving and joy.

Then sister Pik Lin testified about her experience of sharing the Gospel to her father. Last year, she invited her father to come to church on Father’s Day but he rejected her.  She thought it was okay as she would still have time to invite him in the future. However, shortly after he was diagnosed with cancer. She prayed and grabbed many opportunities to invite him to accept Christ. Thank God that after many failed attempts, he finally accepted Christ before he passed away. Sister Pik Lin is thankful as she knows that her father is now in good hands with our Lord.

After a short video of a touching story of how a father spends time to build a good relationship with his son, all fathers were invited to the stage to receive a gift, take a photo and receive prayer blessings from Pastor Gavin.

Pastor Arlene preached the message on Isaiah 40:10-11 and entitled the sermon ‘Behold the Father’s heart’. The two main points are “Behold the returning Lord” and “Behold the loving shepherd”. Our loving Father loves us and holds us close to His heart.  Thank God for touching people’s hearts.  In the altar call, four accepted Jesus as their personal saviour.

Praise the Lord !

Church prepared takeaway desserts with a handwritten tag of blessing. The fathers were joyful taking the desserts though they could not enjoy them right away due to the pandemic.

May God bless all fathers and wish all a Happy Father’s Day !

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