Bible Conference 2023

Sep 30 – Oct 1, 2023

The theme of our Bible conference is “We are coming – Count me in!” It is inspired by Joshua 1:16, where the Israelites responded to Joshua, saying, “All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”

This year, we had the privilege of hosting the conference in our new venue, Hope Oasis. We were delighted to welcome brothers and sisters from Hope Land, Philippines, who flew in to join us once again. Throughout the conference, we delved deeper into the life of Joshua, a remarkable leader who guided the Israelites in crossing the Jordan River and entering the Promised Land. It was a powerful reminder that God does not desire for us to remain in the wilderness; rather, His intention is to bless us abundantly.

The Bible Conference is divided into three teachings spread across 2 days.

Teaching One : Mobilized for action- the profile of the Light Bearer

  • The overall Goal : Mobilize others to trust God and Go
  • Bring out God’s plan and Purpose
  • Bring out God’s Goodness
  • Bring out Unity in the Body of Christ

Teaching Two : Mobilized for Action- the profile of the follower

  • Obedience to the Faith
  • Listen to and Follow leaders who listens to and follow God
  • Put to death the Sin of unbelief
  • Knowing the Word of God
  • Rejecting Fear and Worry.

Teaching Three : God can use anyone

  • God does not look at natural ability and backgrounds
  • A Hall of fame with a small beginning
  • Rehab – the role Model of a Life Adventurer
  • Rehab took action of Faith when she trusted in God grace
  • Rehab held on to the Hope of salvation and dared to live as uncommon.

The Bible conference spanned two days and was characterized by a strong sense of God’s presence, as the congregation earnestly sought His touch in their lives. They eagerly embraced the exciting journey of faith and desired God’s guidance. During the conference, we had the privilege of hearing from Pastor Gavin, Pastor Arlene, Bro Wai Hong, Bro Alex, Sis Ivy Chan, Sis Kat, Sis Lolita, Sis Janelle, and Sis Rosanna, who shared the Word of God with us.

Pastor Gavin emphasized that the world is leading us astray from God, as the popularization of individualism undermines the unity we have in Christ and causes confusion regarding the truth and God’s Word. As children of God, we are all called to be bearers of His light. He desires to bless us abundantly and longs for us to be united as the body of Christ, knowing that we are all His beloved children. As followers, it is not enough to simply have knowledge; we must wholeheartedly believe in God’s Word and follow the leaders He has appointed for us, appreciating their guidance.

We are encouraged to trust that God can use anyone who places their trust and faith in Him. The story of Rehab the prostitute serves as an example. Despite her sinful past, she recognized God’s sovereignty and grace, taking courageous action to help the spies and seeking protection for her family. She clung to the hope of salvation and brought blessings to her household, experiencing a life blessed by God.

In addition to the teachings, the conference provided interactive sessions where we expressed appreciation for one another, engaged in quizzes, danced, and even re-enacted the crossing of the River Jordan from the Bible. Our spiritual family exudes joy, talent, and unity, and we praise God for bringing us together as we prepare to embark on this journey of faith. Let us cross the river in unity, with hearts full of gratitude and anticipation.

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