One Star Award Certificate (2015-17)
March 31, 2016
Praise the Lord that with the spirit of “Smile, Care and Love”, our church has been supporting St. James Project Care Neighborhood Elderly Centre 聖雅各懷愛長者鄰舍中心 by caring for the elderly in Tsuen Wan District with God’s love.
In 2016 our church was thus presented a One Star Award Certificate by Tsuen Wan/ Kwai Tsing District Coordinating Committee On Elderly Services, Social Welfare Department 社會福利署荃灣及葵青區安老服務協調委員會 to honor our effort and participation in caring for the elderly especially in Tsuen Wan district in the whole year of 2015. We were also honored the Caring Elderly Recognition Logo, which we are eligible to use and display in the church for two years from 2015 to 2017.
This certificate and logo serve our church a token of recognition of our Christian role as salt and light to the community. It is indeed encouraging. We will continue to serve God as well as the community with His love and in His way to bring all the glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ!
Attached please see the letter of the award by the Social Welfare Department and the Caring Elderly Recognition Logo.