Hope Couples
September 20, 2009
Themed as “The Most Precious You”, the Hope Couples 2009 gathered nearly 30 couples at the club house of Apex on September 20. Praise the Lord for a great time to strengthen a Christ-centered relationship of the couples.
Enlightened by the heart-warming video presentation of the wedding photos of the participating couples, all of them were then ready for the ice-breaking games. As many of the couples have been married for a period of time, the husbands and wives were grouped accordingly to prepare their “Declaration of Love” for each other. Sister Wenny represented the wives group to make the declaration while all the husbands were listening with joy. The husbands group then selected Brother Eric as the representative to declare their love to the wives. The couples were overjoyed to hear the declaration and were excited for what came next.
It followed that eight husbands were chosen secretly and their blindfolded wives were trying hard to identify their other half. The wives were only allowed to touch the pinkie and earlobe of the husbands to find the right one. No other means of communication was allowed but the laughers of the thrilled watching couples. After some confusing moments , most of them were managed to fulfill the task and it was surely a delight for the couples to have the “reunion”.
A video presentation on theme of “”Appreciating the imperfection of your spouse”” was then shown and it stirred up the hearts of the many couples for the following heart-felt sharing section. The couples were divided into 4 groups : husbands’ groups and wives’ groups ,married for more and less than 10 years. Each group had to share ways to appreciate the imperfection of their spouse. Pastor Gavin then shared that marriage was God’s plan and all the husbands and wives were meant to be together. He would also cover us and helped us to overcome all the differences if we allowed Jesus to be the centre of the relationship.
Another touching moment came when the couples were asked to exchange their gifts with their spouses. Some of them were invited to present their gifts in public and shared the reason for choosing the gifts. Pastor Gavin thanked Sister Arlene with a melting kiss and Sister Arlene responded with a promise to stand behind him and be supportive.
Love was filled up in the venue and all the couples left with their precious ones as well as the expectation for the next gathering.