2004 Bible Conference

Dr. Rungson from Hope Bangkok to share on Eschatology ….

Father’s Day

Experience the Love of our Heavenly Father ….

Bible Quiz II

Congratulations to Group 5 in winning the championship ….

Mother’s Day

Mothers’ Love – sacrificial love was the teaching on Mothers’ Day.

Thai Camp

14,000 brothers & sisters attended our camp in Thailand ….

Easter Celebration

“Easter Sunday Service – “Now I See”
Praise the Lord that we’ve got 16 new believers this Easter”

Water Baptism I

Praise the Lord for 27 newly baptised brothers and sisters!

Mission Sunday

Without missions, people in many parts of the world may never have the chance to know God and receive Jesus Christ’s salvation. Testimonies remined us once again.

Valentine’s Day

What is true love? Can we ever find true love in this world?