Baby Dedication

Praise the Lord that 11 babies were dedicated to the Lord last Sunday ….

Friend’s Day

Praise the Lord for more than 400 brothers and sisters and friends join our friend’s Day ….

DVD of the Power of Praise HK

Praise the Lord that the DVD of the concert “Power of Praise HK 2006” will be ready soon.

Hope Couples

Thank God for the arrangement of the Care Department,this is the first gathering of the Couple’s Day ….

Water Baptism III

Praise the Lord for the 24 brothers and sisters who took the step of faith to dedicate their lives to God ….

14th Church Anniversary Banquet

Right after the Power of Praise Concert, about 400 of us rushed to Wan Chai to celebrate our 14 th Anniversary at Ho Choi Restaurant.

Power of Praise Concert

Praise the Lord for more than 700 attended the “Power of Praise HK 2006”