Year-end Thanksgiving Celebration

On this very last day of 2023, brothers and sisters gathered to thank God for His leading throughout the year while looking forward to receiving 2024

Christmas Celebration 2023

Merry Christmas ! The theme of this year’s Christmas Celebration is “He reigns forever”.

Blood Donation 2023

Praise the Lord ! This year, we carried on our collaboration with Red Cross to organize our annual blood donation at Hope Oasis.

Bible Conference 2023

The theme of our Bible conference is “We are coming – Count me in!” It is inspired by Joshua 1:16, where the Israelites responded to Joshua, saying, “All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”

Baby Dedication

Praise the Lord ! We are delighted to organize the first Baby Dedication at Hope Oasis !

Membership Accreditation

Praise the Lord that we had our first membership accreditation this year. Four sisters have become the members of Hope of God Church Hong Kong.

Youth Camp 2023

Praise the Lord ! We had about 46 brothers, sisters, and friends came together for our Youth Camp at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village.

31st Anniversary Celebration 2023

Happy 31st Anniversary to Hope of God Church Hong Kong !
The theme of this year’s celebration is “We are coming – Count me in”.

Water Baptism

Thank God for bringing us this beautiful sunny day !
On this day, 14 brothers and sisters were going to take Water Baptism to affirm their dedication to follow Jesus. Hallelujah !

HOT-Adventure II

Thank God for being with us !
The 7-week journey of reading the book of Genesis had been completed, over 100 brothers and sisters gathered at Hope Oasis