19th Anniversary Celebration

Praise the Lord! By the grace of God, it comes to the 19th Anniversary of our church ….

Church Recap

Recap for the 19th Anniversary Banquet (Part 1)

19th Church Anniversary Cup

In celebrating the 19th Anniversary, we had the Basketball Match ….

Father’s Day

Praise God that a total of 28 fathers were present on Fathers’ day ….

Mother’s Day

The atmosphere was full of love. A lovely photo corner was set up for children to take photos with mum and an instant photo with frame is immediately given to them ….

Blood Donation

Praise God this year we have in total about 100 participants and 86 successful blood donations ….

Water Baptism I

Praise God for a special day for 43 brothers and sisters who took the step of faith to receive water baptism on 24 April ….

Easter Celebration

The theme of our Easter Service this year is “Appointment”. Over 400 brothers and sisters ….

Hope Elite

Praise the Lord that Hope Elite was held successfully on 17 April with 117 participants ….